CarChat24 proud to sponsor and have a speaker at Innovative Dealer Summit 15

April 3, 2015 - 11:58 pm

Tom-LaPointe-speaker-SMCarChat24 is looking forward to its participation at IDS15 April 6-9, in Denver, Colorado. This prestigious event features a host of talented presenters, including our own Tom LaPointe. Check out his promotional video below, and be sure to stop and say hello if you attend the event. He will be sharing secrets for selling more cars with live chat on dealership websites.

SESSION TITLE: Profit or Pitfalls – How to chat your way to growth

SESSION DESCRIPTION: Live chat can boost car sales. What started as a novel way to talk to website shoppers has morphed into valuable tool that can boost dealer website lead counts by 50% or more. As with any other tool, there are three possible outcomes: help sales, hurt sales, or have no effect. This session will take you from the basics of chat, through the decision to self-manage or partner with a vendor for backup or full-time operator support.

There is a proven road map to chat success. In this session you will learn:

  • When to use a managed chat option
  • How to generate quality chat leads
  • Chat curses and killers (avoid the epic fail)
  • Tips to turn a chat into a sale
  • Proven chat success secrets

So if your dealership can benefit from a comprehensive live chat strategy that helps sell more cars, be sure to check out Tom’s presentation.

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