Live chat is key tool selling to Hispanic car shoppers

June 29, 2016 - 11:03 pm

CarChat24 live chat is ideal for Hispanic Car Shoppers

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Vamos a chat de español con CarChat24?

A recent Automotive News article highlighted a Texas Ford dealer that transitioned its entire culture to communicate and appeal to the Spanish-speaking Hispanic car shopper market. In the case of Houston, 44 percent of the market was Hispanic, but this key segment makes up about 17 percent of the population nationally, according to the U.S. Census Department.

Dealers can’t always boost their Spanish-speaking staff, but they CAN communicate with them online with live chat from CarChat24 and generate leads from Hispanic car shoppers. Our custom-built chat console has automatic translate built in for more than 50 languages, and the Spanish translate function is the most accurate. Google Translate automatically detects the language of the Live Chat request and lets the shopper begin the process from within their comfort zone.

Our chat operators can help Hispanic car shoppers with the entire online car shopping process on the dealer’s website, then submit quality lead information to the BDC or sales team to follow up. The full scope of chat support is available:

  • About 1,000 pre-written responses for virtually every scenario
  • SignalR technology that is ideal for mobile chat
  • Edmonds Data and CarFax integration
  • A-B tested Icons, Operator images and proactive popup chat invites

In addition, CarChat24 has custom Spanish icons for Hispanic car shopper websites to connect with Hispanic car shoppers. When it’s forwarded to the dealership, the chat transcript includes the full translation for entire conversation, and the dealership can have a bilingual employee call them or help translate the car deal in the showroom.

Call, chat, or text with us today to schedule your online demo – Llamar, chatear o texto con nosotros hoy para programar su demostración de producto.

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