CarChat24 VP to co-present at DrivingSales Canadian Dealer Forum with Dominic Lazzaro

June 8, 2016 - 1:22 pm

Jeff Sterns VP CarChat24 and Dominic Lazarro Barrie Ford to speak at DrivingSales Canadian Dealer ForumWe are proud to announce that CarChat24 VP of Sales, Jeff Sterns, will be one of the breakout session presenters this month at the DrivingSales Canadian Dealer Forum (#DSCDF), June 20-21 in Vancouver, BC. His co-presenter is Dominic Lazzaro, Internet Manager at Barrie Ford, in Barrie, ON. And since we are also honored to sponsor the event, the famous CarChat24 scarves will be handed out.

The CDF session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, from 11:45 to 12:30

You CAN sell to Millennials – how to Blend tech and talent for a HIGHLY profitable Internet Department

Their presentation on selling to millennials will give dealers unique insight and tangible methods that helped make Sterns and Lazzaro successful on the retail sales floor for 27 and 18 years, respectively.

“This is a great honor, and I’m looking forward to being a part of this DrivingSales event,” said Lazzaro. “I’m a huge fan of following successful business processes, and these has helped my team remain successful selling to every generation.” Not only has Lazzaro discovered successful methods to sell to Millennials, but has also remained profitable and created customer loyalty, as well.

“DrivingSales events always give dealers and managers valuable insights and tools they can use in their stores to boost sustainable profit,” said Sterns. He shared that he’s proud to be a part of this Canadian dealer function, especially since CarChat24 connected with so many dealers in the provinces.

CDF at Marriott Pinnacle in Vancouver

CDF at Marriott Pinnacle in Vancouver

He explained the Canadian connection deeper than just business. “My mother is from Ontario, and I lived there as a kid, so I have personal ties, as well,” said Sterns. “Plus many dealers on know Tom LaPointe on our team, whose family has Canadian heritage and is back in forth to Toronto, where his wife lives.”

The event will be held at the Marriott Pinnacle Downtown and has featured speakers from Google and the University of British Columbia, as well as a noted author and Jared Hamilton, who is a dealer and founder / CEO of DrivingSales.

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