Auto Dealer Chat: Your Virtual Telephone Is Ringing

January 17, 2011 - 2:46 am

Imagine the busiest sales day of the year; the phone is ringing off the hook. Every person who calls is interested in buying. You only have two hands to answer the phones, but you work as hard as you can to capture each and every one of those calls and convert them into dealer sales leads.

Letting a call go unanswered is unheard of in the automotive business. Every call is a potential sale. And managers often say that you should treat each of your dealer sales leads as the only lead you’ll talk to all day, because it very well might be.

As time has passed and technology has progressed, methods of communication have advanced. Of course people still use the telephone, but more people are turning to the internet to communicate. Auto dealer chat has been one of the biggest technological additions to the automotive business this decade.

A lot of dealers have begun using auto dealer chat to generate dealer sales leads. Some dealers still don’t fully understand the importance of dealer chat. Having auto dealer chat is similar to having a 24/7 receptionist on your website. That’s if you choose a live chat provider like CarChat24 which provides a fully staffed dealer live chat option.

Adding auto dealer chat is the most effective way to interact with your website visitors. Why interact with your website traffic? It will help you convert more of your existing traffic into dealer sales leads.

Auto dealer chat also enables you to analyze which questions people are asking. If an overwhelming amount of customers are having a difficult time navigating your dealer website and you notice a trend of them asking basic questions on how to find vehicles, or a build your own function, maybe your website isn’t as user friendly as you might think. So it’s more than just converting visitors into dealer sales leads.

These days, people don’t want tons of flashy images and senseless logos. They want information and assistance in real time. They don’t want to leave a message. They want to speak to someone right away. This can explain the human trend to hit ‘0′ on the telephone until they reach an operator. Auto dealer chat let’s you provide an operator, to each and every visitor on your site, right away. No line. No hold time. No waiting.

And what do you get in return? – Dealer sales leads and car sales. At the end of the day, this is what matters the most.

An unanswered phone call is a missed opportunity that could have been one of your best dealer sales leads. Missed opportunities are also occurring if you aren’t interacting with all your website visitors. Auto dealer chat gives you the ability to “answer your virtual telephone” each time it rings.

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