Free Auto Dealer Chat Software: Not Just a Rumor

February 18, 2012 - 5:02 pm

A lot of websites have some sort of live chat feature. This is very important for just about every type of business, but particularly the automotive business.

Why is everyone talking about Live Chat Software?

If you use your search engine of choice, you’ll see that Live Chat Software is available from many different providers. What you don’t see too often is Free Auto Dealer Chat Software.

Most products have a price. Once you’ve decided which applications and services your company needs, the cost is typically a determining factor of whether or not you’re going to subscribe to a particular service.

It is the opinion of many that live chat software is worth every penny spent on it. If you’re not familiar with it, live chat enables you to interact with your website traffic. Each week, month or even day, depending on your preferences, you check out your website traffic with some sort of analytic software. Whatever that number is, a good percentage of those people are missed opportunities for leads and sales.

When someone visits your dealer website, they want your product. Be honest, do you go to a clothing website expecting to buy a car? Of course you wouldn’t. So you wouldn’t go to an automotive website without having some sort of interest in that type of industry. Whether you were looking to buy or sell a car, buy a part or obtain service for your car, you will certainly agree that you are interested in what the dealership has to offer.

Imagine going to a dealer website, looking around and not finding what you were looking for. The dealership is closed right now, but you’d still like some information. How convenient would it be to chat with an online chat representative who could help navigate you to the right area? Would you be more likely to shop a dealership that was helpful from the very first time you met them? That’s where Free Auto Dealer Chat Software comes into play.

With nearly no investment, you get a truly remarkable lead generation tool that won’t cost you a lot of money. In fact, live chat software helps make you money! It generates more high quality leads and therefore gets you more showroom traffic. The more people in your showroom, the more potential car sales you can make. All of this is made possible with Free Auto Dealer Chat Software!

Another aspect to look at is most people are beginning their research on buying things from new cars to homes online. It’s a fact: people are online. People are viewing your website. To not have Live Chat Software is almost like not having a showroom at all. It could be even worse, no one to greet your visitors and returning customers.

It’s true: Not every visitor to your website is going to want to interact with someone. However, a great number of people will feel at ease knowing that someone is there to help if they need it. That initial emotional investment could mean the difference between “just another website hit” and a new car sale and lifetime customer.

Free Auto Dealer Chat Software will sell you more cars, increase your ROI and make you more money. It just makes sense.

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