Enhance Car Dealership Customer Service with Live Chat

January 30, 2013 - 8:53 pm

The migration to the internet as the primary marketing tool for car dealerships demands that auto dealers create a cutting-edge arsenal of tools and strategies to maximize not only lead counts and car sales, but improve the overall client experience as well. Both fixed operations and variable operations can benefit greatly from a dealership website live chat solution for both increased sales, and a boost in CSI – just by being available when your shopper needs assistance.

Live Chat can help mitigate information overload

With massive amounts of data to process to stay on top of website maximization, search engine optimization (SEO), various third party automotive lead options, and web marketing techniques, dealers often contract the whole package out to a website or SEO provider. The challenge is that many times these companies don’t understand the priorities auto dealerships have to market automobiles and build relationships with buyers.

One cutting-edge option that dealers should include in every market strategy is Website Live Chat Software, whether it is staffed in-house or handled by specially-trained vendor chat operators who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

There are 100 or more auto dealerships in most metro areas doing everything they can to increase auto leads and increase sales. Dealers who leverage the massive selling power of live chat can rise above the crowd. Companies distributing just about any kind of product or service have begun adding website live customer chat solutions to better engage web visitors and provide a personal shopping experience from the comfort of their keyboard, tablet, or smartphone.

Sales and Service Departments can benefit from Live Chat

A well-designed dealership live website chat solution can greet visitors the moment they arrive on the website with a popup chat button, or contact the chat center along the way by clicking on a link to initiate the conversation. Whether the chat sessions are handled in-house by the sales or business development center personnel, or by the vendor’s experienced chat operators, the technology helps provide a much more interactive experience.

Guests can find out about inventory and pricing, or even set an appointment, right through a comprehensive software program. What if they have a question about a mechanical issue affecting their car? The chat operators can at least give them an immediate response and forward the information to the service department. The customer gets satisfied that their issue is being addressed, and the dealership has an opportunity to add incremental revenue – and that’s just for the service and parts departments.

How would you like to turn more than 60 percent of chat inquiries into leads? An effective chat service can offer that and much more. How about appointments set right from the chat screens? Done. What about answering customer questions with information from a massive built-in database of vehicle information, from anti-lock brakes to water pumps; horsepower ratings to torque numbers.

Whether you handle your auto dealership marketing in-house or depend on vendors, a website live chat option is a key element in a comprehensive online presence.


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