Sell More Cars from Social Media with Facebook Messenger and CarChat24

June 4, 2019 - 12:04 pm

CarChat24 Facebook Messenger Mate

Social media is now part of nearly everyone’s life, and people have come to expect an instant response when they reach out to a business online. This is particularly important on Facebook, the most popular and frequently used social media platform. Facebook users not only expect a nearly immediate reply, they also want a real answer, not an automated “bot” reply.



Get more car sales leads

It’s not just faster… it’s better!

CarChat24’s Facebook integration helps car dealers give customers the instant and useful response they are looking for. Gone are Facebook Messenger response times of hours or days.

CarChat24 not only cuts your response time to instantaneous, our skilled 24-hour chat operators can help a car dealership achieve a staggering conversion rate. They are trained to improve your shoppers’ experience on your website, and get that lead info for you.


  • Connect with your social followers.
  • Direct Facebook Ads to your Messenger and let us generate a lead.
  • Enhance the shopper’s experience.
  • Cut response time to seconds.
  • Generate more car sales leads with social.
  • 24/7 live coverage (optional).


Ready to Sell More Cars with Facebook and CarChat24?

Contact us here, call 1-800-5107567, or send us a message on Facebook for more info!


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