Live Chat – How Did We Get here?

August 6, 2014 - 4:12 am
brief history of live chat

CarChat24 live chat helps dealership websites generate more leads so they can sell more cars

Forty-five years ago this month, the very first internet node, or primitive website, was hooked up at UCLA. Three years later in 1972, the first computer-to-computer chat conversation took place. It was nearly 100 years before that when Alexander Graham Bell had his first conversation over a telephone. Both landmark moments that would define communication in today’s car business were the result of years of smaller technology innovations. And so it is with auto dealership websites and live chat.

Mainstream commerce on the internet began when Pizza Hut sold its first pizza online, in 1994. Soon thereafter, car dealers began hanging their virtual shingle on the web. Chat technology was developed nearly a quarter century ago, but the only method of communication on a dealer’s website was a form until chat popped up on dealer websites less than ten years ago.

Even now there are dealers who have yet to recognize the penchant of modern shoppers for immediate gratification and the perception of hassle-free car shopping. An effective live chat strategy with a top-rated chat company like CarChat24 is a valuable tool to connect with buyers around the clock on their terms. Leads from a dealer’s website generally have the highest closing ratio, so making the most of them should be a top priority.

In addition, since buyers tend to visit only one to two dealerships when making a purchase, doesn’t it make sense to make EVERY effort to ensure YOUR dealership is the one they visit? Engaging every single website visitor with an invite to chat is a huge key to generating more website leads and car sales. If you want to sell more cars, a quality managed chat is a critical website add-on that should be at the top of your list, along with your telephone and electric lights. The right technology and vendor partners make all the difference

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